Q&A With North Posey Sophomore Lily Hester

Listed at 5’2”/115, Lily batted .391 with two doubles, two triples, one home run, and 11 RBI as a freshman this past spring. A dynamic young athlete who takes pride in both her speed and power game, to say that I am interested in seeing what becomes of her career would be an understatement. And the fact that she’s part of a North Posey program that knows what it takes to win certainly does not hurt her case, either…

What is your favorite movie?

Hester: "My favorite movie is Secretariat."

What is your favorite food?

Hester: "I LOVE crab legs with melted butter!"

Who is your favorite athlete?

Hester: "My personal favorite athlete is Mackenzie Donihoo because she is small just like me but is a powerhouse! I also loved to watch her play the outfield!"

What was your proudest moment as a softball player to this point?

Hester: "My proudest moment so far was being the only freshman to start varsity on the North Posey High School softball team."

Where do you foresee yourself in ten years' time?

Hester: "I see myself starting my career in physical therapy and hopefully be working with disabled children through therapeutic horseback riding."

How would you best describe your strengths on the softball diamond?

Hester: "My strengths on the softball diamond are being a team player, a strong vocalist, and having the ability to play wherever the team needs me most. On the offensive side I am able to play small ball or swing away for power. I also like to cause chaos on the basepaths with my speed."

If you could go anywhere for a seven-day vacation, where would it be?

Hester: "I would definitely love to visit Hawaii because I love the beach and heard they have colorful chickens."

Do you have any specific goals you'd like to accomplish between now and this time next year?

Hester: "I have many goals because there's always room to improve but my main goal is to execute my slapping by being able to place the ball where needed at every at-bat."

What is your favorite animal and why?

Hester: "My favorite animal is a horse of course because they get me and I like going fast. 😂"

Who or what would you say is your greatest inspiration?

Hester: "My greatest inspiration is Coach Kayla Pirillo. I have been with her since I was eight years old. She has helped me through ups and downs and has helped me become who I am today."

Outside of softball, what is your favorite downtime activity?

Hester: "My favorite downtime activity is being at the barn with my horses and barn family. Shout out to Tammy Adams at Santiago Stables!"

What would you say for any potential outsider about your home region of Southwest Indiana?

Hester: "We have a lot of small-town pride, and everybody knows everybody. I would not recommend it as a vacation spot because the views we have are corn fields and bean fields."

Any random fact you would like to share about yourself?

Hester: "Random embarrassing fact is I used to compete in pageants and was featured in Toddlers and Tiaras."


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