Q&A With Evansville Reitz Junior Ashleigh Dearing

As a supporting player on a Reitz Panthers team that reached new heights on The Hill with 14 wins, Ashleigh made six three-pointers during the course of this past season. She also plays volleyball...

What is your favorite movie?

Dearing: "The Hunger Games, like all of them."

What is your favorite food?

Dearing: "Sushi."

Who is your favorite athlete?

Dearing: "Laney Choboy. Her hustle and dedication amazes me."

What was your proudest moment as a basketball player to this point?

Dearing: "Proudest moment is playing with these girls that I’ve grown up with. I’ve played basketball with everyone on my team before high school and watching them become better makes me proud."

Where do you foresee yourself in five years’ time?

Dearing: "I see myself going to college and getting my degree."

If you could go anywhere for a seven-day vacation, where would it be?

Dearing: "I’ve always wanted to go to Thailand and go to their beaches."

Do you have any specific goals you'd like to accomplish between now and this time next year?

Dearing: "I would like to have a sectional championship for basketball and volleyball. I would also want to hit 5’ for high jump in track."

Who or what would you say is your greatest inspiration?

Dearing: "My greatest inspiration is my little cousin. He’s always so happy to watch me play whatever sport I’m doing. He inspires me to give it my all when I watch him playing his sports and giving 100 percent effort."

What would you say for any potential outsider visiting your beloved hometown of Evansville, Indiana?

Dearing: "Evansville is a very fun place to be at. There is always so many different activities and festivals downtown."

Any random fact you would like to share about yourself?

Dearing: "I love history!"


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