Q&A with North Daviess Junior Delaney Zorman

A load at 5'7" and 155, Zorman possesses the strength and athletic ability to play just about any position on the court. She was named her team's Offensive MVP, scoring the most points while also corralling the most rebounds as well. An All-Conference selection in the Southwestern Indiana conference, Delaney has perhaps been yours truly's most enthusiastic Q&A participant to this point...

What is your favorite movie?

Delaney: "I would have to say my favorite movie is Fatherhood starring Kevin Hart! Truly is a beautiful movie."

What is your favorite food?

Delaney: "My favorite food is no doubt garlic steak and potatoes!"

Who is your favorite athlete?

Delaney: "Grace Berger! She’s so smooth with what she does and she was truly someone to look up to when she played at IU."

What was your proudest moment as a basketball player to this point?

Delaney: "My proudest moment as a basketball is that I get to be a role model to little girls. These junior high and elementary girls look up to me, and it’s so heartwarming to hear when they say it!"

Where do you foresee yourself in five years’ time?

Delaney: "Five years from now, I’ll be living out my dream I’ve had since I first picked up a basketball. Playing college basketball! As well as getting a great degree."

Outside of basketball, what is your favorite downtime activity?

Delaney: "I’m a big reader honestly. Whenever I have downtime and can actually sit down and relax, there’s always some type of book in my hand."

If you could go anywhere for a seven-day vacation, where would it be?

Delaney: "I would definitely visit Greece! It’s a beautiful place, and it’s been on my bucket list ever since I can remember!"

Do you have any specific goals you'd like to accomplish between now and this time next year?

Delaney: "Talking from a basketball standpoint, some of my biggest goals is to get to 1,000 points by the end of my senior season. Roughly about 300 points shy of it, so it is very doable. Another big goal of mine is to commit to a school!"

Who or what would you say is your greatest inspiration?

Delaney: "My mom and dad! My parents got me started on basketball young, and I look up to them in so many ways in that aspect. I also look up to them because they’re both just so headstrong and passionate about things. They’ve taught me from a young age to always be the best version of me I can be, and they are the best version it gets. Truly my role models!"

Any random fact you would like to share about yourself?

Delaney: "I am the second youngest child of six kids!"


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