Q&A With Evansville Memorial Junior Myla Browning


What can I say about Myla? She appeared to downplay her own talent in this particular session but the reality is that she is one of the most talented all-around athletes I have ever had the pleasure to cover. She has been blessed with some incredible gifts... In the sport of soccer, Browning scored four goals in a game last August. On the basketball court, she is a career 38 percent three-point shooter through three high school seasons with 75 makes. As a junior, Myla was named Evansville Courier & Press Second Team All-Metro... It would be an understatement to imply that I am eager to see what is in store for this young lady's future. You are amazing and should not ever need to underestimate yourself...

What is your favorite movie?

Browning: "My favorite movie would have to be Just Go with It. Adam Sandler is one of my favorite actors so it always gives me a good laugh."

What is your favorite food?

Browning: "My favorite food is hands down Chicken on the Beach from Los Bravos. I probably have it at least once a week."

Who is your favorite athlete?

Browning: "My favorite athlete would have to be Asia Durr, who played at Louisville University and went on as the #2 pick in the WNBA draft to the New York Liberty. I watched my first ever girls college basketball game in 6th grade at Louisville when they played UConn. Asia stood out and truly gave me my passion for the game after watching that game. She is one I will never forget."

What was your proudest moment as a basketball player to this point?

Browning: "My proudest moment as a basketball player would have to be the effort I put into games for my team. I am 100 percent not the most skilled player, but when I look back at games, I only find regret when I see moments where I don’t give my all. As you could imagine, I don’t find many of those moments because I truly give everything I have for my team. I really am just proud of myself for being the competitor that I am and never giving up even when the odds are against me and my team."

Where do you foresee yourself in ten years' time?

Browning: "In ten years I see myself working in a career I am passionate about and enjoy. I hope I am happy and close to starting a family of my own."

Outside of athletics, what is your favorite downtime activity?

Browning: "Well I am very involved with sports, as I play basketball, soccer, and run track, so when I’m not training for any of those, you’d probably find me spending time with my friends and attending other sporting events. Occasionally, my mom and I will go for a shopping day."

If you could go anywhere for a seven-day vacation, where would it be?

Browning: "If I could go anywhere on a seven-day vacation I’d definitely want to go to New York. I'd spend my time visiting The Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Times Square, going to Broadway shows, and hopefully catching a New York Liberty WNBA game."

Do you have any specific goals you'd like to accomplish between now and this time next year?

Browning: "I hope to accomplish a sectional win in both soccer and basketball this upcoming year. I also am hoping to set a few personal records in track this year.

Who or what would you say is your greatest inspiration?

Browning: "My greatest inspiration would have to be my dad. My dad was a football guy and played at IU and Eastern Kentucky. Not only was he an athlete, but he has always been my #1 coach and mentor since I was very young. When I was younger, I truly did play to impress him and solely him. I’ve always just wanted to make him proud and I hope I still am and can continue to."

What is your favorite animal and why?

Browning: "My favorite animal has to be a tiger. Tigers dominate in the jungle just like the Memorial Tigers dominate on the court."

What would you say for any potential outsider visiting your beloved hometown of Evansville, Indiana?

Browning: "I’d say to come down and make a visit! Evansville may seem small on a map, but it is plenty full with lots to do. High School sports are INTENSE down here and I think you’d find some interest with that alone."

Any random fact you would like to share about yourself?

Browning: "When I was in middle school, I was the three-time city champ in cross country and set two records. Along with that, I set a record in track in the 800 my 6th grade year."


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